To work for effective management of school activities, discipline and foster the spirit of espirit de corps the school has established a House System. Each student is allocated one of the four houses. The names of the houses are House Rudra, House Shiva, House Amartya& House Shashwat, signifying the aims and ideals for students to work in collaboration and develop the spirit of team work.
1. House Rudra (The Roarers) - symbolising the harmonious blend of strength and compassion.
2. House Shiva (The energetic souls with cosmic energy) - Symbolising the essence of Shakti the dynamic force.
3. House Amartya (The Carriers of endless spirit) - Symbolising the eternal flame of enduring strength.
4. House Shashwat (The Everlasting Charmers) - Symbolising fierce Vitality and Boundless energy.